all postcodes in IP12 / WOODBRIDGE

find any address or company within the IP12 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP12 2AA 4 0 52.102241 1.528941
IP12 2AB 1 0 52.103076 1.529022
IP12 2AD 1 0 52.10363 1.528832
IP12 2AF 4 0 52.098952 1.524665
IP12 2AG 1 0 52.099999 1.521243
IP12 2AJ 30 2 52.106191 1.515376
IP12 2AL 12 0 52.105037 1.500065
IP12 2AN 1 0 52.105255 1.501207
IP12 2AP 2 0 52.116605 1.510046
IP12 2AR 1 0 52.115948 1.516042
IP12 2AS 2 1 52.109939 1.525737
IP12 2AT 30 0 52.121509 1.524401
IP12 2AU 4 0 52.12166 1.525085
IP12 2AW 2 0 52.116386 1.50379
IP12 2AX 19 0 52.122702 1.521821
IP12 2AY 4 0 52.1329 1.514397
IP12 2AZ 9 0 52.125382 1.523333
IP12 2BA 15 0 52.124575 1.522641
IP12 2BB 7 0 52.123985 1.522506
IP12 2BD 3 0 52.124468 1.523524